I have uploaded vcf file successfully on server on getting help from my previous question (the one which is edited)
Now I need a help in how to read that vcf file or vcard from server and display as a contact number and contact name in my phonegap app.
plugin used cordova-plugin-file-transfer
Can anyone help on this ?
Using plugin cordova-plugin-file-transfer https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer you can download file from server.
For Read vcf file, you need https://github.com/nilclass/vcardjs JavaScript based library. you can directly use .js files.
You can follow below example.
window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 1 * 1024 * 1024, function (fs) {
console.log('file system open: ' + fs.name);
var fileName = "temp.vcf";
var dirEntry = fs.root;
dirEntry.getFile(fileName, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function (fileEntry) {
}, onErrorCreateFile);
}, onErrorLoadFs);
function download(fileEntry, uri) {
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
var fileURL = fileEntry.toURL();
function (entry) {
console.log("Successful download...");
console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());
function (error) {
console.log("download error source " + error.source);
console.log("download error target " + error.target);
console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
null, // or, pass false
//headers: {
// "Authorization": "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
function readFile(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.file(function (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
console.log("Successful file read: " + reader.result);
}, onErrorReadFile);
function parseVCard(vCarddata){
VCF.parse(vCarddata, function(vcard) {
// this function is called with a VCard instance.
// If the input contains more than one vCard, it is called multiple times.
console.log("Formatted name", vcard.fn);
console.log("Names", JSON.stringify(vcard.n));
//Fore more help:https://github.com/nilclass/vcardjs