Is it possible to show a pop-up message (using VBA in Powerpoint) to the presenter which won't be visible to the "audience"?
Edit: Of course, it would be nice if you could tell me "how".
Thanks in advance!
Something like this, perhaps:
Add a userform with a label to contain the text you want to display.
Add this to the vba project:
Sub PopUp()
With UserForm1
.Show (vbModeless)
.Left = 100
End With
End Sub
Add a shape to any slide where you want to display the popup and give it an action setting of Run Macro: PopUp
This assumes that you've accepted the default userform name; change the subroutine to reflect any name changes if you like.
It also assumes that the main monitor is on the left side; if not, you'll need to change the .Left value.