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AjaxControlToolkit.ToolkitScriptManager is not available in version

I was facing a problem with backspace button while using MaskedEditExtender, that's why I upgraded the AjaxControlToolkit from v 4.1.60919.0 to the latest version n But now I am facing a new error, we were implementing the toolkitscriptmanager but now I cannot find it, even in the solution there is no ToolkitScriptManager neither ScriptManager to be called. So what should I do? To understand what I mean:

In web.config I am assembling the AjaxControlToolkit to cc1

<add tagPrefix="cc1" assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit"/>

Whenever I use cc1 tag in my .aspx pages, element ToolkitScriptManager is not valid in the new version. How can I fix the problem?


  • This is intended. ToolkitScriptManager was removed in v15.1. Please follow the upgrade guide to resolve this issue.