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How do I write slick table definitions with nullable columns?

This table definition worked until I realized that having nullable columns meant that I needed to use Option[String] instead of just String. That was the only change I made and this is what my code looks like now.

class RespondentTableDef(tag: Tag) extends Table[Respondent](tag, "respondent") {

  def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
  def uuid = column[String]("uuid")
  def version = column[Long]("version")
  def task = column[Long]("task")
  def firstName = column[Option[String]]("first_name")
  def lastName = column[Option[String]]("last_name")
  def ageGroup = column[Option[String]]("age_group")
  def incomeLevel = column[Option[String]]("income_level")
  def employmentStatus = column[Option[String]]("employment_status")
  def maritalStatus = column[Option[String]]("marital_status")
  def housingStatus = column[Option[String]]("housing_status")
  def educationStatus = column[Option[String]]("education_status")
  def gender = column[Option[String]]("gender")

  override def * =
    (id, uuid, version, task, firstName, lastName, ageGroup, incomeLevel, employmentStatus, maritalStatus, housingStatus, educationStatus, gender) <> (Respondent.tupled, Respondent.unapply)

I am getting this error when it compiles.

[error] /Users/roy/adivinate/survey2/app/model/Respondent.scala:45: No matching Shape found.
[error] Slick does not know how to map the given types.
[error] Possible causes: T in Table[T] does not match your * projection. Or you use an unsupported type in a Query (e.g. scala List).
[error]   Required level: slick.lifted.FlatShapeLevel
[error]      Source type: (slick.lifted.Rep[Long], slick.lifted.Rep[String], slick.lifted.Rep[Long], slick.lifted.Rep[Long], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]], slick.lifted.Rep[Option[String]])
[error]    Unpacked type: (Long, String, Long, Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
[error]      Packed type: Any
[error]     (id, uuid, version, task, firstName, lastName, ageGroup, incomeLevel, employmentStatus, maritalStatus, housingStatus, educationStatus, gender) <> (Respondent.tupled, Respondent.unapply)
[error]                                                                                                                                                    ^
[error] one error found
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 5 s, completed Dec 21, 2016 8:53:17 PM


  • It's basically a simple thing - your case class needs to have these fields optional. E.g. instead of having (in your case class): firstName: String you should have firstName: Option[String] .