I am changing one of my old apps on the android play store from a native android app (written in java) to one written in react native. My old apps were signed with a jks when I would release it to the play store, however according to React Native Documentation They use a keystore to sign their requests. This will cause a problem given that play store will reject any app updates I submit that don't have it signed by jks. I have tried to do the generation normally through the documenation above but subsituting in my jks instead of the keystore and it fails with can't access keystore
. Was wondering if there was a way to generate my signed apk even through android studio? I tried to do that as well, but it doesn't seem to run correctly/crashes.
So I am an idiot. Many posts have said jks
and keystore
are pretty much the exact same thing. You can generate a signed apk with your jk with react native the same way as if you were to use a keystore you just need to make sure you have the alias right and everything else correct.