def has_delete_role? name
roles.each do |n|
return true if n == name
if user.has_delete_role? :business_delete
can :destroy, Business
<% if can? :destroy, @business %>
<%= link_to 'delete', business_path(, method: :delete%>
<% end %>
This piece of code allow user who has the authority to access delete button. Here if a user has authority, he can access delete buttons of all objects.
EX: Business has 10 objects id = 1 to id = 10, user can access all of 10 delete buttons if he has the authority
But now I want to set the authority base on object.
EX: Buisness also 1 to 10, user can only see button 2 and 5 because there is a field in user data table called auth_ids [], it stores [2,5]
How to achieve this?
You can use:
can :destroy, Business, id: user.auth_ids