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sdn4.0 set resultDataContents graph

I want to use SDN4.0 to visualize by D3 in web application.For example,I want to use the following cypher query to get data:

   @Query("MATCH  (n:app)-[r:r1]->(m:app) RETURN n.alias,r,m.alias")
   Iterable<Map<String, Object>> getAllRelations();

But the httpServer not response the exact data I want.

[{n.alias=A, r=(227)-[r1]->(235), m.alias=B}, ....]

And I want to response r1's properties ,tried r1.* but failed.

From the there is possible to set resultDataContents to graph(origin as rest)

So Is it any possiblity to set this parameter in SDN4.0 or have other solutions?

Thanks if having any ideas.


  • How do I query for relationship data in spring data neo4j 4?

    Above Answer solved my question.By using Neo4jOperations.queryForObjects() under Spring data Neo4j and return path in cypher query.