Before asking the question, I have searched stackoverflow, find a related post:
change segmentControl border color
But we can see it is in objective-c
So how can we change the borderColor of UISegmentControl
in swift
You literally just have to convert the code to swift...
let customSegmentedControl = UISegmentedControl.appearance()
customSegmentedControl.setTitleTextAttributes([NSForegroundColorAttributeName :], for: UIControlState.normal)
But I believe the code you posted changes the actual color of the letters, not the color outside. The color outside is called "tint" and it's changed like this:
customSegmentedControl.tintColor =
EDIT: For ONLY changing the border
Since each segment in the SegmentedControl is an actual UIView you can access them directly and customize them per your needs as in this answer.
Or you can set the "background image" which I believe can be set to the color you need. (Although the method above seems less complicated)