When I try to run this command from commandline to deploy asp.net core website:
"C:\\Program Files\\IIS\\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\\msdeploy.exe" -allowUntrusted -verb:sync -sourc
e:contentPath="%USERPROFILE%\ProjectFolder\bin\release\netcoreapp1.1\publish" -dest:contentPath="sitename",ComputerNa
me="https://siteurl.com:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=sitename",UserName='myusername',Password='mypassword',AuthType='Basic' -enableRule:AppOffline -retryAttempts:20
Get this error:
When I stop website on web server, then deployment succeeds:
I was expecting -enableRule:AppOffline
should force website offline. But it still keeps the lock on website dll.
How we can force webdeploy to overwrite files?
Can you see on the site if the App_Offline.htm is being created? If yes, try renaming to app_offline.htm (all lower case). Does that shutdowns the site? There is bug in AspNetCoreModule for App_Offline.htm file being case-sensitive, see here.