I have been trying to download past broadcasts for a streamer on twitch using python. I found this python code online:
However, when I try to call the functions I am getting errors giving me a status 400 message. Unsure if this is the code I want to download the video (as an mp4) or how to use it properly.
And by video I mean something like this as an example: www(dot)twitch.tv/imaqtpie/v/108909385
//note cant put more than 3 links since I don't have 10 reputation
Any tips on how i should go about doing this?
Here's an example of running it in cmd:
python twitch_past_broadcast_downloader.py 108909385
After running it, it gave me this:
Exception API returned 400
This is where i got the information on running it: https://www.johannesbader.ch/2014/01/find-video-url-of-twitch-tv-live-streams-or-past-broadcasts/
Huh it's not as easy at it seems ... The code you found on this gist is quite old and Twitch has completely changed its API. Now you will need a Client ID to download videos, in order to limit the amount of video you're downloading.
If you want to correct this gist, here are simple steps you can do :
but {base}/kraken/videos/{id_}
(not sure about the last one). You will need to change it inside the python code. The doc is here.Client-ID: <client_id>
header in the request.And now I think you will need to start debugging a bit, because it is old code :/
I will try myself to do it and I will edit this answer when I'm finished, but try yourself :)
See ya !
EDIT : Mhhh ... It doesn't seem to be possible anyway to download a video with the API :/ I was thinking only links to API changed, but the chunks
section of the response from the video url disappeared and Twitch is no longer giving access to raw videos :/
Really sorry I told you to do that, even with the API I think is no longer possible :/