I'm trying to wrap my head around pthread condition variables. I've seen some code examples that use pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal and all of them look like this:
while (condition)
// Assume that the mutex is locked before the following call
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);
Is there a reason for using a while loop on the condition? why not just use a single if statement?
Spurious wakeups.
See Why does pthread_cond_wait have spurious wakeups? and also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spurious_wakeup:
Spurious wakeup describes a complication in the use of condition variables as provided by certain multithreading APIs such as POSIX Threads and the Windows API.
Even after a condition variable appears to have been signaled from a waiting thread's point of view, the condition that was awaited may still be false. One of the reasons for this is a spurious wakeup; that is, a thread might be awoken from its waiting state even though no thread signaled the condition variable. For correctness it is necessary, then, to verify that the condition is indeed true after the thread has finished waiting. Because spurious wakeup can happen repeatedly, this is achieved by waiting inside a loop that terminates when the condition is true ...