My question here is how exactly do I go about deleting emails by id in gmail utilizing POP3 or IMAP without utilizing Netcmdlets or another external dependency. If it helps, I have some C# code which does a variety of mailbox functions, but I have no idea how to translate it into Powershell because I have never worked with C# before.
It's not a full port to PowerShell, but you should be able to use the Add-Type
cmdlet to add the C# source code, and call the methods within PowerShell.
Copy the source code into a $Source
Add the referenced assemblies to an $Assemblies
Use Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source -Language CSharp -ReferencedAssemblies $Assemblies
Execute the methods with [AE.Net.Mail.Pop3Client]::MethodName()
Here's a good reading about using C# code in PowerShell on Technet