The snippet below prompts for the user and password, and defaults to env variables.
Now while the password input is well hidden while typing, I'd like also to have the default between brackets hidden as well, so far if I enter this, the password default is in clear 1234:
➜ export PASSWORD=1234
➜ python
➜ User [myuser]: you can see here
➜ Password [1234]:
user you can see here
password you cant see
import os
import click
@click.option('--user', prompt=True, default=lambda: os.environ.get('USER', ''))
@click.option('--password', prompt=True, default=lambda: os.environ.get('PASSWORD', ''), hide_input=True)
def test(user, password):
print('user {}'.format(user))
print('password {}'.format(password))
if __name__ == '__main__':
You could make a class whose string representation hides the password:
class HiddenPassword(object):
def __init__(self, password=''):
self.password = password
def __str__(self):
return '*' * len(self.password)
Then in your code you'd just have to check whether this class was used and update the password:
default=lambda: os.environ.get('USER', ''))
default=lambda: HiddenPassword(os.environ.get('PASSWORD', '')),
def test(user, password):
print('user: {}'.format(user))
if isinstance(password, HiddenPassword):
password = password.password
print('password: {}'.format(password))
In action:
$ PASSWORD=foobar python
User [mVChr]:
Password [******]:
user: mVChr
password: foobar
$ PASSWORD=foobar python
User [mVChr]: dan
Password [******]:
user: dan
password: user-entered-pw