I'd like to store some class info using Q_CLASSINFO macro. However I would like to wrap it in my own macro, for example:
#define DB_TABLE( TABLE ) \
Q_CLASSINFO( "db_table", #TABLE )
class Foo : public QObject
DB_TABLE( some_table )
DB_FIELD( clientName, client_name )
Unfortunately, moc doesn't expand macros so the Q_CLASSINFO is not added.
I've tried to feed moc with already preprocessed source, but it failes on some included Qt classes.
Do you know any workaround for this?
Other than rolling your own pre-moc preprocessor, no. That is what MeeGo Touch does, for example. Since Nokia themselves are doing it, I believe there is no other way.
In your case, it would only involve translating your own declarations into Q_CLASSINFO, so it shouldn't be too hard. If you use qmake, it can be added to the build sequence, too.