When I specify the following formula:
Map(x => x.PendingInviteCount)
.Formula("(SELECT COUNT(ui.UserInviteId)
FROM [UserInvite] ui JOIN [UserInviteOrganisation] uio
ON ui.UserInviteId = uio.UserInviteId
WHERE uio.OrganisationId = organisationId)");
the sql that is generated looks like this:
SELECT COUNT(ui.UserInviteId)
FROM [UserInvite] ui
JOIN [UserInviteOrganisation] organisati0_.uio on ui.UserInviteId = uio.UserInviteId
WHERE uio.OrganisationId = organisati0_.organisationId
which fails due to uio being prefixed with organisatio0_.
Is it possible to create a formula that contains a JOIN?
You should use the AS keyword for setting the alias of the table. I don't think that NHibernate picks up on it the way it is currently written.