Could anyone provide some guidance on how to use Table Value Parameters (TVP) with SQL Server JDBC? I am using the 6.0 version of the SQL Server driver provided by Microsoft, and I have reviewed the official documentation as well as the more helpful example
How to pass Table-Valued parameters from java to sql server stored procedure?
Both of the examples show getting a SQLServerPreparedStatement
casted object from a Connection.prepareStatement
call in order to call the setStructured
method. Wouldn't this prevent usage of standard connection pools such as DBCP2?
I noticed a comment from the other Stack Overflow comment saying it might be possible to use the stmt.setObject
method instead:
As an alternative to casting the PreparedStatement, you can pass the SQLServerDataTable instance to the PreparedStatement.setObject(int,Object) method. This worked for a TVP type that was defined in the dbo schema. – allenru Jul 15 at 19:18
Though I got an error when I tried this, and the type is in the dbo schema...
Exception in thread "main" The Table-Valued Parameter must have a valid type name.
Here's my code:
private static void tableParameters(DataSource ds) throws SQLException {
final String sql = "EXEC dbo.GetAccountsFromTable @accountIds=?";
final List<Integer> accountIds = generateIntegers(50, 1_000_000);
try (Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql))
SQLServerDataTable accounts = new SQLServerDataTable();
accounts.addColumnMetadata("item", java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
for (Integer aid : accountIds)
stmt.setObject(1, accounts);
try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery())
while ( {
create type dbo.IntegerTable AS TABLE (item INT);
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetAccountsFromTable(@accountIds dbo.IntegerTable READONLY)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AccountIds') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #AccountIds
SELECT * FROM @accountIds
SELECT * FROM #AccountIds
Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thanks!
Here's the route that I ended up using. DBCP2 has a DelegatingStatement.getInnermostDelegate
method to get the PreparedStatement object created by the Microsoft driver. I'm not a huge fan of the hoops needed to jump through - even if error checking was added the code seems brittle. TVP is a SqlServer specific thing so maybe it's not so bad to use the required assumptions and casts.
private static int testTvp(DataSource ds, List<Integer> accountIds) throws SQLException {
final String sql = "EXEC dgTest.GetAccountsFromTvp @accountIds=?";
try (Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
DelegatingPreparedStatement dstmt = (DelegatingPreparedStatement)stmt;
SQLServerPreparedStatement pstmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement)dstmt.getInnermostDelegate();
SQLServerDataTable accounts = new SQLServerDataTable();
accounts.addColumnMetadata("token", java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
for (Integer aid : accountIds)
pstmt.setStructured(1, "dgTest.IntegerTable", accounts);
//// NOTE: The below works for JTDS driver, official MS driver said no result sets were returned
//try (ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery()) {
// return sumInts(rs);
if (pstmt.execute()) {
try (ResultSet rs = pstmt.getResultSet()) {
return sumInts(rs);
return -1;