I am having an issue with GridLayoutManger
, when an orientation of activity changes, I am changing the span count while checking if the specific position is some sort of type, this works perfectly on orientation change, my only problem is, I'm using zxing
library to do barcode scanning, whenever a button
is clicked I'm opening the zxing
default intent and retrieve date from it, however when zxing
is opening it goes to landscape
and my current activity orientation is portrait
this gives me the IllegalArgumentException
that the layout manage throws when only opening the Xzing
intent, the crash log is as this
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Item at position 0 requires 2 spans but GridLayoutManager has only 1 spans.
this problem doesn't occur if i rotate the phone, only happens when I launch the Xzing
intent, i couldn't really figure out how how I solve this issue as its bugging me. here is my spanSizeLookup
manager.setSpanSizeLookup(new GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup() {
public int getSpanSize(int position) {
return adapter.getHolders().get(position).getLabelHolder() != null ? getResources().getInteger(R.integer.span) : 1;
the span
is base on screen size so it can be 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4. i repeat this doesn't give me any error on orientation change, only the error occur when I open the zxing
P.S if i open zxing intent
while my activity is on landspace
the crash wont occur.
it seems like only launching the zxing
default intent causing this issue, I'm having an activity
where it goes landscape
after it launches and the exception
didn't occur, as a workaround i did, was that i created an activity
that handles the barcode
scanning with a delay of 1 second to launch the intent
as if i didn't do that, it will throw the same exception
Edit 2
I just found that, even without setSpanSpizeLookup the crash still occurs. by just calling manager.setSpanCount(getResources().getInteger(R.integer.span))
Too late to answer this question, however in a latest project that i worked on, i faced the same issue & after some really debugging, i found out what was the cause to the issue but no clue why would it cause it.
Library intent
it actually calls CLEAR_TOP
before calling the startActivityForResult
& that was the problem, after modifying the source code of zxing
to remove that particular line, the crash is gone.