I am trying to send an attachment with cakephp email, but only plain html sent and not a attachment.
The following code I am using.
$nmessage ="Hello Test\r\n\r\n";
$email = new CakeEmail();
$email->from(array('abc@example.com' => 'Test'));
$email->filePaths = array('/screenshots/');
$email->attachments =array('Google-Maps-9.22.2.jpg');
$email->subject('Register a visit ');
$email->send($nmessage); // or use a template etc
To send attachments you can do it the following ways, first a string with the full path (notice there is no equals symbol, it's a function of the CakeEmail class).
Secondly is the same but wrapped in an array
Thirdly an array with keys to rename the file
$Email->attachments(array('photo.png' => '/full/some_hash.png'))
And finally you can use nested arrays
'photo.png' => array(
'file' => '/full/some_hash.png',
'mimetype' => 'image/png',
'contentId' => 'my-unique-id'
So in summary, don't use $email->attachments =
and make sure to provide the full path.