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Alice Faker library choose random from array

I am trying to generate a dummy data using AliceBundle for Symfony Framework. Everything seems to be working fine except I am looking for a way to randomly assign data from an array to a property called type. Looking at the faker library I can see that I can generate that using randomElement($array = array ('a','b','c'))

I am trying to convert that into YML and I think that is equivalent of


But this produces an error

[Nelmio\Alice\Throwable\Exception\FixtureBuilder\ExpressionLanguage\LexException] Could not lex the value "['a'".

This is my complete yml

        title: <jobTitle()>
        description: <paragraph(3)>
        length: "3_months_full_time"
        type: <randomElement(['a','b','c'])>
        bonus: <paragraph(3)>
        expired_at: "2016-12-21"
        job_user: "@emp*"


  • I ended up creating a custom provider

    namespace AppBundle\DataFixtures\Faker\Provider;
        class JobTypeProvider
            public static function jobType()
                $types = array("paid", "unpaid", "contract");
                $typeIndex = array_rand($types);
                return  $types[$typeIndex];

    Add that to services.yml

        class: AppBundle\DataFixtures\Faker\Provider\JobTypeProvider
        tags: [ { name: nelmio_alice.faker.provider } ]

    And then use it in yml file

            title: <jobTitle()>
            description: <paragraph(3)>
            length: <jobLength()>
            job_industry: "@title*"
            type: <jobType()>
            bonus: <paragraph(3)>
            expired_at: "2016-12-21"
            job_user: "@emp*"

    Notice type: , this is being generated from service now.