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RecyclerView ScrollListener inside NestedScrollView

I have an EndlessRecyclerView at the end of a NestedScrollView. EndlessRecyclerView means: when user scrolls to the bottom of the recyclerView it loads more data. This is already implemented and working elsewhere but when I put the recyclerView inside the NestedScrollView the OnScrollListener events doesn't fire.

XML design:


     <Other views/>


</NestedScrollView >


recyclerView.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() {
        public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) {
            super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
            // This is never fired! Here is where I implement the logic of EndlessRecyclerView

How do I get scroll event for above case?

I know that is not good to have two scrollable views inside each other. But, how do I have the above case without having two scrollable views?

I already followed this link but it doesn't work: scroll event for recyclerview inside scrollview android


  • To achieve endless scrolling for recycler view which is under NestedScrollView, you can use "NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener"

    nestedScrollView.setOnScrollChangeListener((NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener) (v, scrollX, scrollY, oldScrollX, oldScrollY) -> {
                if(v.getChildAt(v.getChildCount() - 1) != null) {
                    if ((scrollY >= (v.getChildAt(v.getChildCount() - 1).getMeasuredHeight() - v.getMeasuredHeight())) &&
                            scrollY > oldScrollY) {
                            //code to fetch more data for endless scrolling

    Here v.getChildCount() -1 should give you the recycler view for which you be implementing endless scrolling.

    Also scrollY > oldScrollY confirms that the page is being scrolled down.

    Reference: NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener