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MEF: How can I disable reevaluation of bindings when leaving a view

I encountered an interesting situation in my MEF application. The main workspace is a region registered on a ContentControl with only one active view at a time. Setup and navigation is working just fine. Now what I observed is that when I'm changing the view on this MainRegion all my bindings to the viewmodel are evaluated again.

To check this, I added a counter on my view model to see how often it is loaded. When I'm changing View A -> View B -> View A, then the counter will be 3:

  • entering View A
  • leaving View A
  • entering View A

I'm using the normal call to activate a region:


When debugging this issue I saw that when activating a region, the old one gets deactivated, eventually setting the

ContentControl.Content = null;

This seems to modify the visual tree and reevaluates all bindings on the old view.

It seems to be a mixture of a MEF and WPF problem. Is there any way to prevent the evaluation of bindings when activating a new region or on the WPF side prevent re-evaluation of bindings when ContentControl.Content becomes null?

I found a similar question but without an answer here: WPF: disable bindings update on detach


  • This issue seems to be a problem of the ContentControl itself, see this post for further information:

    To avoid performance issues while switching between views in a regions you can keep the view in the visual tree by using another control for the region. Replace the ContentControl by a modified ItemsControl. I find a solution in this post: It works with hiding old views and show new views.

    I modified this example like this:

    public class RegionItemsControl : ItemsControl
       protected override bool IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride(object item)
          return false;
       protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride(DependencyObject element, object item)
          base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
          ((ContentPresenter)element).ContentTemplate = ItemTemplate;

    Add it to your shell and mark it as region:

                   <Grid />
                   <ContentControl Content="{Binding}"/>

    The navigation is handled by an event, which triggers the following code:

    private FrameworkElement _lastView = null;
    private bool LoadAndActivateWorkspaceAreaView(Type requestedViewType, IRegion region)
        var viewToActivate = region.Views.FirstOrDefault(viewItem => viewItem.GetType() == requestedViewType) as FrameworkElement;
        if (viewToActivate == null)
            viewToActivate = MefContainer.GetExportedValue(requestedViewType) as FrameworkElement;
            if (viewToActivate == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("view not found!");
            viewToActivate.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            region.Add(viewToActivate); // Adds new view to RegionItemsControl
        if (_lastView != null)
            _lastView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
        _lastView = viewToActivate;
        _lastView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

    One issue of this solution is, that bindings of "old" views which are stored in RegionItemsControl are re-evaluated once on adding a new view to the region. This seems to be an issue of the ItemsControl I think.