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Grid/Tile view with angularjs

I have 100 number of divs of 100px width, which can fit into a 250px width parent. Regardless of height, I need the divs to be displayed in rows, as shown in the picture. I have tried resolving this with css,and sadly I understood the reality.

enter image description here

Is there any angularjs plugin i can make use of?

I have heard about jquery masonry,is there any better option?

As @Divyanshu Maithani asked for a plunker with my current problem, Please see the plunker link below in which i tried to solve my problem with angular-masonry

enter image description here

<div masonry>
    <div ng-repeat="item in items" class="masonry-brick item">
      <button class="toggle-button" ng-click="!">show</button>
      <div ng-if="" class="hidden-box">
        This is a hidden box for {{$index+1}}th item.

Plunker DEMO

And i am looking for other options also,since i don't want to end up my question with a jquery plugin like angular-masonry.Any help will be appreciated.Thanks


  • Go for AngularJS Masonry. You can see the demo at the homepage. And using it is simple using a masonry-brick class:

    <div masonry>
        <div class="masonry-brick" ng-repeat="brick in bricks">
            <img ng-src="{{ brick.src }}" alt="A masonry brick">


    In order for your masonry-brick to not overlap with each other, you need to reload masonry whenever you show or hide an inner div. I've added a function to do so on ng-click which will also broadcast a masonry.reload event to reload the same.

    Check this working code.


    $scope.showItem = function(index) {
        $scope.items[index].show = !($scope.items[index].show);


    <div masonry>
        <div ng-repeat="item in items" class="masonry-brick item">
          <button class="toggle-button" ng-click="showItem($index)">show</button>
          <button class="toggle-button" ng-click="remove($index)">X</button>
          <div ng-if="" class="hidden-box">
            This is a hidden box for {{$index+1}}th item.


    There seems to be a problem due to the fact that masonry reloads instantly while the animation of the masonry transition takes time. I've added some transition duration and $timeout in this plunk.