I have two hive SQL tables which consist of following columns.
|customer_id | ip_address|
|country_name | region_name|
I tried,
SELECT table_1.customer_id, table_1.ip_address, getCountry(ip_address) AS Country, region_table.region_name FROM table_1 JOIN region_table ON region_table.country_name = Country;
getCountry() is UDF which returns the country name when the IP address is passed into it. I want to use that country name to create another column with the corresponding region from the region_table. And i want to get the following table as my output.
customer_id | ip_address | Country | region_name
Any thoughts on what I'm missing in my query?
select c.customer_id
,getCountry(c.ip_address) as Country
from table_1 c
join region_table r
on r.country_name =