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Taskpane is not showing properly in Word 2016 Web Add-ins

I have created an Web Add-ins project for Word using Visual Studio. I have Office 2016 Professional Plus installed on my system.

enter image description here

When I try to launch the application using F5. Everything works, but when I click on the button in the ribbon menu to show the task pane. Task pane is shown but with following error message.


This add-in could not be started. Close this dialog to ignore the problem or click "Restart" to try again.


I have tried to create a new project/solution and without modifying anything. It is giving the same error on running or hitting F5.


I have verified that I have Latest version of Office developer tools installed. enter image description here

I shared the same application that I created with another colleague here and it did not run on his machine either, but when I tried to create a File->New Project on another machine (it worked there) and tried to run that on my system and it didn't work.


  • I was facing this issue because of a bad environment setup. After I uninstalled and then reinstalled Visual Studio, everything started working again, as suggested in @JuanBalmori's comment.