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Angular2 refresh API every x minutes to watch change in response

Is there a way, in Angular 2, to watch for change in API.

Here is my case:

  • I push a document to an API /document/upload
  • This API return a DOC id
  • Using a call to /document/DOC_ID, the API returns a JSON in this format:



Status can be:

  • 0 = pending
  • 1 = signed
  • 2 = validated

This status will be "changed" by a worker on the remote server which validate the file. This state is only "interrogated" through the API.

On my front-end, I've a component dedicated to display the state of my document:

<p>Current State: {fileState}</p>

On my component, how can i watch the change of status in the api call result : how can I place for example a call which will call the API every x minutes to verify the state and update the view accordingly?


  • You can write something like this:

    checkStatus(minutes: number, docID: string) {
      Observable.interval(minutes * 60 * 1000)
        .switchMap(() => this.http.get(`/documents/${docID}`)
          // handle http errors here to prevent
          // breaking of interval observable
          .catch(error => Observable.of(error))
          .map(response => response.json())
        .subscribe(data => {
          this.fileState = 
            data.state === 0 ? 'pending' : 
            data.state === 1 : 'signed' : 'validated';

    Don't forget to import observable operators:

    import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
    import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
    import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';