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Symfony swiftmailer via smtp gmail on localhost openssl error

After upgrading to php 5.6 (mac os x sierra) I'm not able to send mails on my local test environment.

But sadly mail delivery via swiftmailer in Symfony does not work.

This is the error:

Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

What I discovered until now:

Since php 5.6 openssl seems a requirement:

Because after the Update I was not able to use file_get_contents at all without this error, so what i did was to specify a openssl.cafile= in my php ini like I found here:

Now file_get_contents works again, but I'm not able to send swiftmailer mails via smtp.

This is my swiftmailer config:


transport:        "smtp"
host:             ""
username:         "%mailer_user%"
password:         "%mailer_password%"
auth_mode:        login
port:             587
encryption:       tls
delivery_address: "%mailer_delivery_address%"
spool:            { type: memory }

Do I have to provide my cafile on any other place to symfony/swiftmailer?

I already found this: PHP - Swiftmailer using STARTTLS and self signed certificates But to hardcode solutions like this is not an option, because I want to deploy the codebase without changing this every time. I prefer to solve this issue on a system level.


  • It seems, that the problem is the self-signed certificate as you are on your local machine.

    You must add the following to your config.yml (or if you prefer to separate test/dev from prod in the subsequent config_dev.yml):

        # ... your other config
            allow_self_signed: true
            verify_peer: false

    This way it should work and you have dev and prod env separated.

    Look also here: