I've declared some methods which occasionally get used for debugging only. For example:
// For debugging purposes only
procedure SaveLUTs();
These methods are used rarely and only if DBG is defined. If the method is not used the following compiler warning is generated:
[Hint] Hardware.pas(184): Private symbol 'SaveLUTs' declared but never used
Apart from commenting out the method declaration and body, is there a way to mark SaveLUTs
so that the compiler won't generate the warning? I still need the usual warnings to be generated, including warnings about other declared methods or variables that are not used.
Using Delphi 7 and interested in how this might be done for newer versions of Delphi as well.
You can flag the method like this :
{$Hints Off}
procedure SaveLUTs();
{$Hints On}
That will remove the hint for this procedure.
Note that {$Hints ON}
will enable hints for the rest of the unit regardless of the previous $Hints state. Since {$IFOPT}
doesn't work with long-named directives (At least, up to Delphi 10 Seattle...), I don't know of any way to restore the previous state.