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Hello World! with standard segment directives

I have written the "Hello World!" code with simplified segment directives,

.MODEL small
msg  DB 'Hello, World!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'

LEA DX, msg
MOV ah, 9
INT 21h

MOV ah, 4Ch
INT 21h

but I must have written something wrong (or miss something) when writing the same thing with standard directive. The code prints a bunch of symbols and only at the end the sentence "Hello World!". What am I missing?

msg  DB 'Hello, World!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
myData ENDS

ASSUME DS:myData, CS:myCode, SS:myStack

LEA DX, msg
MOV ah, 9
INT 21h

MOV ah, 4Ch
INT 21h
myCode ENDS

myStack ENDS



  • My TASM tells "No entry point", and the garbage chars might indicate missing initialization of data segment, so let's fix both:

    myData SEGMENT
    msg  DB 'Hello, World!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
    myData ENDS
    myCode SEGMENT
    ASSUME DS:myData, CS:myCode, SS:myStack
    begin:              ;◄■■ ENTRY POINT ◄────────┐
    mov ax, myData   ;◄■■ INITIALIZATION          │
    mov ds, ax       ;◄■■ OF DATA SEGMENT.        │
    LEA DX, msg                                   │
    MOV ah, 9                                     │
    INT 21h                                       │
    MOV ah, 4Ch                                   │
    INT 21h                                       │
    myCode ENDS                                   │
    myStack SEGMENT                               │
    myStack ENDS                                  │
    END begin          ;◄■■ ENTRY POINT ◄─────────┘

    The "END" directive at the bottom of the code also indicates the point where the program starts to be executed. The initialization of data segment is required in TASM, EMU8086, GUI Turbo Assembler and others where "ASSUME" is not enough.