This is my first real app I'm writing and I don't understand why I get this "nil" error while unwrapping an optional.
Before I post the code, here's the idea of a simple expense calculator.
I have two textfields (expenseLabel and guestLabel). At the start of the App both should be empty. Here's the first problem. If the user accidentally presses the calculate button I get the following error:
unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
(It's the first line of code I marked down below within ** ... **).
As long as the user enters numbers or the label is not empty at the start of the app (eg. I enter a number in the storyboard) this doesn't happen, but for some strange reason I get the same nil error on the second to last line (again marked within ** ... ** ) when I update the resultLabel.text. Xcode marks this line with the following extra info:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXE_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
Here's the code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var expenseLabel: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var guestLabel: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var resultLabel: UILabel!
@IBAction func splitButton(_ sender: Any) {
let expense = expenseLabel.text
let guests = guestLabel.text
**var result = Double(expense!)! / Double(guests!)!**
result = round(result * 100) / 100
**resultLabel.text = String(result)**
It's actually not much code, but I don't understand why I get this error. I even tried the following and introduced the two variables expense and guests before everything else:
expense = Double(expenseLabel.text!) ?? 0.0
guests = Double(guestLabel.text!) ?? 0.0
I thought this would help to remove the nil unwrapping error, but this didn't work as well.
I feel pretty helpless right now, because again this is not much code and it is for some reason I don't see not working at all.
You have to check
property nil
property empty? )text
property be converted to a Double
?Strictly spoken in this case the second check can be omitted because an empty string can not be converted to Double
if let expense = expenseLabel.text, // !expense.isEmpty,
let expenseValue = Double(expense),
let guests = guestLabel.text, // !guests.isEmpty,
let guestValue = Double(guests) {
let result = round((expenseValue / guestValue) * 100) / 100
resultLabel.text = String(result)
} else {
resultLabel.text = "Something went wrong"