I am trying to run:
nuget pack project.csproj
but because of the directory structure of the project:
it keeps saying:
NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.FatalProtocolException: Failed to retrieve information from remote source 'A\B\Packages', which it really should be 'A\Packages'. How do I change where NuGet looks for packages while establishing dependencies.
I have tried putting a NuGet.config in both the project directory as well as the Solution (in .nuget). I added this to the file:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="A\Packages" />
in both places and it made no difference (it always says A\B\Packages).
The error is a bit weird, but is already mentioned here.
It looks like NuGet by default expects a packages folder at the same location as the .csproj file.
I also had a custom project structure where the .sln was located in another folder.
At least I worked around this by creating a Symbolic link like this (open cmd with admin rights):
cd <your .csproj location>
mklink /d packages "C:\path\to\actual\packages"
This way NuGet thinks the packages folder exists and should be able to create your package.