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Falcon CORS middleware does not work properly

I'm using Falcon CORS to allow access to my web service only from several domains. But it does not work properly.

Let me explain, if we take a look at my implementation:

crossdomain_origin = CORS(allow_origins_list=[ALLOWED_ORIGINS], log_level='DEBUG')

app = falcon.API(middleware=[RequireJSON(), JSONTranslator(), cors.middleware])

When I make any post request to my API service, I get this warning:

Aborting response due to origin not allowed

But, then I get the correct response from my API.
Here is an official docs about this module:


  • Your code does not match the falcon-cors documentation's example:

    import falcon
    from falcon_cors import CORS    
    cors = CORS(allow_origins_list=[''])    
    api = falcon.API(middleware=[cors.middleware])
    #                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Note the cors.middleware variable is being passed into the api call. In your code you are creating crossdomain_origin but not passing it into the API setup.

    If this does not solve it, please provide a working code example, including the Falcon resource classes, that is easy to test and reproduce, and I'm happy to try to assist.


    From comments below, it sounds like falcon-cors is working properly, rather the problem may be origin header was being omitted from the request.

    The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request or preflight request.