I am trying to run this script in parallel, for i<=4 in each set. The runspr.py
is itself parallel, and thats fine. What I am trying to do is running only 4 i loop in any instance.
In my present code, it will run everything.
for i in *
if [[ -d $i ]]; then
echo "$i id dir"
cd $i
python3 ~/bin/runspr.py SCF &
cd ..
echo "$i nont dir"
I have followed https://www.biostars.org/p/63816/ and https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/35416/four-tasks-in-parallel-how-do-i-do-that but unable to impliment the code in parallel.
You don't need to use for
loop. You can use gnu parallel
like this with find
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -print0 |
parallel -0 --jobs 4 'cd {}; python3 ~/bin/runspr.py SCF'