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Selenium Webdriver on PowerShell SendKey function send keys on current active window, not the Selenium invoked browser

I'm writing a PowerShell script that runs the Selenium Webdriver. What I'm planning to do is open up a page, open x tabs more, return to the first tab, do something, go to the next tab, do something, and so on.

But when I use the SendKeys on the code to send Ctrl+T to open up a new tab, unless the Selenium invoked browser is active, it sends Ctrl+T to my active window, (e.g, Powershell ISE (What it does is it opens a new PowerShell tab)).

I hope you can help me with this, guys.

Here's the code:

Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Windows.Forms"

Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\selenium-dotnet-2.53.0\net35"

$servers = `
"", `

$driver = New-Object "OpenQA.Selenium.FireFox.FirefoxDriver"

$actions = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions($driver)

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $($servers.Length); $i++){
    if ($i + 1 -ne $($servers.Length)) {
        $driver.FindElementByCssSelector("body").SendKeys($body,[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("^t")) | Out-Null

foreach($server in $servers){
    $driver.FindElementByCssSelector("body").SendKeys($body,       [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait("^{TAB}")) | Out-Null


  • You could probably check Appactive() method or check the current active window and proceed.

    EDIT : you can kill other browser sessions before selenium opens one and make I active windows using Appactive.

