I've been using a Calc spreadsheet to keep track of my D&D character, and I'm looking to increase the automation in it all the time - in this case, I want it to roll my dice for me.
My character might do something like 2d6 points of damage (roll 2 6-sided dice, add together) or 12d8 points of damage (roll 12 8-sided dice, add together). If I know both of these numbers separately - the number of dice, and the sides of the dice, can I 'roll' this number?
I'm aware of the RandBetween function, which when given (1, N) as arguments will simulate rolling an N-sided die. But M x RandBetween(1, N) just multiplies the roll by M, rather than 'rolling' M times.
For portability reasons, I don't want to write a macro for this. Is there any kind of function or trick that will let me add an arbitrary number of random numbers?
Make a list of random numbers in one column (for example column C below). Then use as many of them as needed in the formula to determine the outcome.
A B C D E # of dice Sides Random Numbers Range Outcome 2 6 =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) ="C2:C" & A2 + 1 =SUM(INDIRECT(D2)) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2) =RANDBETWEEN(1,$B$2)