I have one CSV file and metadata for the same. Columns in this CSV is are delimited by pipe | symbol. Sample data is as follows:
xyz | abcdef|29 |567,34|12/02/2001
Here salary
column is of type decimal but instead of using period .
as decimal separator, comma ,
is used.
I created Hive external table as below and for this data Hive shows NULL
for salary
create external table employee as(
name string,
address string,
age int,
salary decimal(7,3),
doj string
LOCATION 's3://bucket/folder_having_many_csv_files/';
If I change data type of salary
column to String
then as expected, Hive works fine.
I would like to know how to tell Hive that this particular column is of type DECIMAL
and decimal separator is comma (,)
and not a period (.)
You could easily build table with salary as a string and replace the comma in a view on top. This is probably the easiest thing to do since the data is big and likely someone else owns it.
create view table employee_decimal as
select name
, address
, age
, cast(regexp_replace(salary, ',', '.') as decimal(7,3)) as salary
, doj
from employee;