I have a TableLayoutPanel
with two columns. I want to dynamically remove all controls from the second one. Is there a simple way? I really don't want tedious looping and things like that.
Edit: By "looping" I mean actually writing for-loops. LINQ solutions that loop behind the scenes are perfectly fine.
It depends strongly on what you mean by: "clear a column". I chose to set the visibility to false
for this example.
This looks really like a horrible hack:
// grab all controls from Colum 2 (index == 1)
List<Control> Col_2_Stuff = tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.OfType<Control>()
.Where(x => tableLayoutPanel1.GetPositionFromControl(x).Column == 1).ToList();
// make them invisible
Col_2_Stuff.Select(c => { c.Visible = false; c = null; return c; }).ToList();
but it does the job
here is the line that actually removes them:
Col_2_Stuff.Select(c => { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Remove(c); return c; }).ToList();
inspired by @LarsTech: you can also call dispose and clear the list afterwards
Col_2_Stuff.Select(c => { tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); return c; }).ToList();