I want to connect to a webservice (WS). However, a cookie must be provided in order to interact with this webservice.
So far, here is what I have:
String requiredCookieName = "requiredCookieName";
String requiredCookieValue = getRequiredCookieValue();
// Prepare SOAP message
SOAPMessage soapMessage = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage();
soapMessage.getMimeHeaders().addHeader("SOAPAction", getSoapAction());
// Send SOAP message
SOAPConnection soapConnection = buildSoapConnection();
SOAPBody soapBody = soapConnection
// How to add required cookie here before calling WS?
.call(soapMessage, getOperationLocation("operationName"))
// Process response...
How can I add the required cookie to the underlying HTTP request to WS?
You can do that by adding the corresponding Cookie
HTTP header to the message (exactly as you are already doing for the SOAPAction
"Cookie", requiredCookieName + "=" + requiredCookieValue);