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How to find the minimum value in a postgres sql column which contains jsonb data?

I have a table t in postgres database. It has a column data which contains jsonb data in the following format (for each record)-

  "20161214": {"4": ["3-14", "5-16", "642"], "9": ["3-10", "5-10", "664"] },
  "20161217": {"3": ["3-14", "5-16", "643"], "7": ["3-10", "5-10", "661"] } 

where 20161214 is the date, "4" is the month, 642 is the amount.

I need to find the minimum amount for each record of the table and the month that amount belongs to.

What I have tried:

Using jsonb_each function and separating key value pairs and then using min function.But still I cant get the month it belongs to.

How can this be achieved?


  • select
    from    t 
            left join lateral  
                           ,(j2.value->>2)::numeric  as amount
                from        jsonb_each ( j1 (date,value) 
                            left join lateral jsonb_each (j1.value) j2 (month,value)
                            on true
                order by    amount
                limit       1   
                ) j2
            on true

    | date     | month | amount |
    | 20161214 | 4     | 642    |