Try to grant access right on systemroot by wmi with sddl, but get an error of invalid parameter. This is my function:
function GrantSysRoot
Param (
$sec = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting -Filter "Path='C:\\Windows'" -ComputerName $strcomputer
$converter = New-Object System.Management.ManagementClass Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper
$sddl = $converter.Win32SDToSDDL($sec.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor)
$newSDDL = $sddl.SDDL += "(" + $SRSDDL + ")"
$Win32descriptor = $converter.SDDLToWin32SD($newSDDL)
$result = $sec.SetSecurityDescriptor($Win32descriptor)
if ($result.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
LogWrite "Success SystemRoot setting rights"
else {
LogWrite "An error occured with SystemRoot rights settings"
The SetSecurityDescriptor method returned Invalid parameter error. Have any idea?
Resolved, we have to use property "descriptor"
$result = $sec.SetSecurityDescriptor($Win32descriptor.Descriptor)