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url redirect in mvc . i want to redirect localhost/windshield-replacement.html to localhost/greenvalleyaz

My applications is now in phalcon php framework. I want to redirect a url which contain .html at the end. To redirect, I wrote the controller name as WindshieldReplacementHtmlController.php but because of the dot in between I could not redirect. How can I solve this?

Redirect from:




When I type localhost/windshield-replacement-html its redirecting to the target but when i use localhost/windshield-replacement.html its not detecting the controller. is it the correct way to do that ?


  • In MVC you should not show the View Directly

    you have to access a controller action --> in action you have to render view

    In the Example I want to show user/order.phtml I will access this page from Browser localhost/appname/user/orders


    use Phalcon\Mvc\View;
    class UserController {
        function ProfileAction(){  //access localhost/appname/controller/profile
        function loginAction(){ //access localhost/appname/controller/profile
        function ordersAction(){ //access localhost/appname/controller/orders
             $view = new View();
             // Setting views directory
             // Shows recent posts view (app/views/user/orders.phtml)
             $view->render('user', 'orders');
             // Printing views output
             echo $view->getContent();

    Refer : Phalcon_Mvc_View