I want to remove the cells (mx1)
which contain the string Pen Drive
and empty cells []
For example: if I have a cell array:
S_Block = { []
'D\My Folder\Amazing\Pen Drive'
'C\Go To\Where\Home'
'H\I am\No Where\Hostel'
'F\Somewhere\Appartment\Pen Drive'
'Ram\North\Sky\Pen Drive'
'Go\East\Japan\Pen Drive'}
Then new cell array must contain:
Snew_Block = { 'C\Go To\Where\Home'
'H\I am\No Where\Hostel'
'L\South\Pole\Ice' }
Snew_Block = S_Block;
% Removing empty contents
Snew_Block(cellfun(@isempty,Snew_Block)) = [];
% Removing the rows having the specified string
Snew_Block(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(Snew_Block,'Pen Drive'))) = [];
If you have R2016b then there is a new function contains
this returns a logical value for when there is a match in the string so removing the rows with a specified strings can be written as
% Removing the rows having the specified string
Snew_Block(contains(Snew_Block,'Pen Drive')) = []
For readability this is easier than the double negative of testing for something being not empty.