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Catkin command not found

I have installed ROS indigo and gazebo2 packages in Ubuntu 14.04.5. When I try to use catkin command, I get:

catkin_init_workspace : command not found

So, I tried to install catkin, it displays that ros-indigo-catkin is the latest version.

All I did was,

$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full

$ sudo apt-get install gazebo2.<They're installed perfectly>

After this, I am getting catkin issue.

Help needed. Someone please find a way to fix this issue.


  • Probably you forgot to set up the environment after installing ROS.

    $ echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
    $ source ~/.bashrc

    Then, I will assume you want to create a package, so you can follow these steps:

    $ mkdir -p path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/src
    $ cd path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/src
    $ catkin_init_workspace
    $ cd path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/
    $ catkin_make
    $ source path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/devel/setup.bash

    After running these commands your workspace is created, so now you can start adding packages.