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Create Optionmenu with for loop

I am pretty new to Python as well as coding in general.

I've got 42 Labels (Strings) stored in a list. My aim is to: for each of the 42 labels, create a Tkinter Label displaying the String and a Dropdown List (Tkinter Optionmenu).

Two problems occur:

  • I get an index error for the list of variables (for the optionmenus), here is the output of my Console:

    varDd[i] = StringVar(root) IndexError: list assignment index out of range

  • The Canvas is Scrollable as I intended, but the content doesn't scroll with it

My complete Code:

The essential part:

def createDdList():    
    del labelsDd[:]
    del listsDd[:]
        if len(labels) > 1:
            varDd = [len(labels)]
            for i,label in enumerate(labels):
#               Erstelle Labels mit den Markerlabels im scrollbaren Canvas
#               Erstelle die Dropdown Listen im scrollbaren Canvas
                varDd[i] = StringVar(root)

contentCanvas = Frame(canvas,bg='#FFFFFF')


  • The first issue arrises from this like:

    varDd = [len(labels)]

    While this syntax is used in other languages to mean "a list with this many elements in python it is just a list with one number:

    >>> labels = range(4)
    >>> v = [len(labels)]
    >>> v

    Instead you probably want something along the lines of this:

    >>> varDb = [None]*len(labels)
    >>> varDb
    [None, None, None, None]

    Then you can index it the same way as your other lists

    The other issue is that using .place() inside a canvas places it on the screen but not on the canvas space itself, to do that you need to call canvas.create_window so this line:


    would translate to this:

    canvas.create_window(70, 10+(30*i), window = listsDd[i])