I'm working on a cross-platform wxWidgets-based application that uses a WebView for a web-based OAuth login to a web site. The web site's OAuth login process uses cookies to cache a login token once authenticated, so that you can go through the process again to get another OAuth token if necessary without the user having to enter their credentials again. The WebView backend implementation wxWEBVIEW_WEBKIT
that I'm using in the macOS version of the app preserves cookies between restarts of my app and even reboots of the OS. This makes it difficult to test the login process.
Where is the WebView backend persisting these cookies? How would I go about clearing them?
I've already tried clearing the cookies in Safari to no avail, and I removed all of the obvious cache files I saw in the app's file accesses as captured by opensnoop
, but the cached login is still present.
Per a response on the wx-users list, wxWEBVIEW_WEBKIT
is implemented using a simple macOS WebView
As noted in How can I remove cookies stored by WebView in Cocoa application?, in macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) and later, each application's WebViews have their own cookie storage and do not have access to each others' cookies.
I did not find a way to manually clear my application's cookies; I tried removing the relevant *.binarycookies
file from ~/Library/Cookies
but that had no effect. It's still unclear to me where the cookies are stored.
However I was able to delete the cookies programmatically using the NSHTTPCookieStorage
API, following the code snippet in https://stackoverflow.com/a/8486398/60422. I ended up just adding a menu item for this to my application to clear the cookies that I only use for manual testing purposes.