I want to get all possible combinations of two columns using Grails Criteria Projections.
I try this:
def criteria = {
def allCombinations = MyDomainEntity.createCriteria().list(criteria)
But, that code returns all the repeated combinations of colA and colB.
I also tried to use distinct
, but only works for a single column.
Any ideas to solve this problem?
I'm not aware of the real problem you try to solve, but according to what you've said you should use groupProperty
Here is the example:
// Your domain class
class TestEntity {
String field1
String field2
// test distinct projection
class TestEntityTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testDistinctByTwoColumns() {
new TestEntity(field1: 'test1', field2: 'test2').save()
new TestEntity(field1: 'test1', field2: 'test2').save() // duplicate
new TestEntity(field1: 'test1', field2: 'test2').save() // duplicate
new TestEntity(field1: 'test3', field2: 'test4').save()
final result = TestEntity.withCriteria {
projections {
assertEquals(2, result.size())
P.S. I use Grails 2.5.5 for testing. Maybe your version is a little bit different, but I hope the idea is clear.