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iOS Callkit - incoming Call Recents History

I've implemented call kit in our app only for received incoming call when the app is close or on background (push call notification). I just noticed that every time I received a call and use callkit to display it, this call automatically appear in the call history (Recents tab in native Call App).

Every time I click on one of those recent, my App is resume or launch. I wanted to make the app place an outgoing call after the user press the recent call but I didn't find anything about it.

  • Is there a way to detect that the app was opened / resumed from this call recent click ?
  • Can we disable this callkit feature ?

Thanks for providing information :)


  • I wanted to make the app place an outgoing call after the user press the recent call but I didn't find anything about it.

    In your app's Info.plist, you must have INStartAudioCallIntent and/or INStartVideoCallIntent in the NSUserActivityTypes key, and your app delegate must implement the -application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler: method to handle the start call intent. See the Speakerbox example app for details.

    Can we disable this callkit feature ?

    If you don't set a remoteHandle for the call's CXCallUpdate, the item in Recents won't be pressable.