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Symfony2 - Doctrine DQL - select rows that are not related to another table row

I have two tables Offer and OfferSuggestion that has FOREIGN_KEY and is related to Offer. I would like to get rows of Offer that are not yet related to any row of OfferSuggestion.


id      name
1       offer1
2       offer2


id    offer_id   name
1     2          suggestion2

In this case I should get offer1 that does not have suggestion.

So far I have tried this, but is not working:

$query = 'SELECT o FROM IndexBundle:Offer o '.
    'SELECT s.offer FROM IndexBundle:OfferSuggestion s '.
    'WHERE = s.offer)';
$query = $em->createQuery($query);

I get an error:

[Semantical Error] line 0, col 91 near 'offer FROM IndexBundle:OfferSuggestion': Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression.

Any ideas what I am missing?


  • You could simply refer to the object instance as follow:

    $query = 'SELECT o FROM IndexBundle:Offer o '.
        'WHERE NOT EXISTS ('.
        'SELECT s FROM IndexBundle:OfferSuggestion s '.
        'WHERE o = s.offer)';

    You could also create the subquery with a querybuilder:

    As example, only for demonstrate HOW-TO use a subquery select statement inside a select statement, suppose we what to find all user that not yet have compile the address (no records exists in the address table):

     // get an ExpressionBuilder instance, so that you
    $expr = $this->_em->getExpressionBuilder();
    // create a subquery in order to take all address records for a specified user id
    $sub = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
        ->from($this->_addressEntityName, 'a')
        ->where('a.user =');
    $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
        ->from($this->_userEntityName, 'u')
    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();