I am getting following error on build:
The application does not have a valid signature
After playing with it a little while I have found following:
Other relevant information:
Already tried all proposed solutions online including SO (e.g. App installation failed) but no luck.
My question is: How can I resolve this issue so I am able to build without changing code each time I want to build? I assume that this has something to do with Build settings...
It seems that this is a known issue with Xcode. I haven't experienced it with our project, so it may be related to CocoaPods, or something else that is specific to your project. I remembered seeing this problem on Apple's forums here.
Though more of a workaround than a solution, you can force the app to rebuild each time by adding a BuildDate.plist file, adding a build phase to throw the current date / time into the plist file. This change is enough to trigger enough of a rebuild so that the code signing bug doesn't affect you. And it should cause a recompile of anything time consuming.
This should save you and your team from having to make a simple change to the code when this happens.