I was reading through the sphinx documentation pages and ironically found that the documentation on the difference between var, ivar, and cvar very lacking. I was wondering if someone could explain the difference between each of the different name spaces in inline code.
class foo(object):
:var str first:
:ivar str last:
:cvar str middle:
How are each of these sphinx tags different from each other and how do I know which one is the correct one to use correctly as designed?
is a generic variable, of course. Use this when you don't care to make any further distinction about the variable you are documenting.
is an "instance variable", or a variable that is set on an instance object (an instance of a class). Typically these would be defined (in Python) inside of an __init__
is a "class variable", or a variable that is set on a class object directly. Typically, this would be set inside a class statement, but outside of any particular method in the class.
Here's an example:
class SomeClass(object):
cvar = 'I am a class variable'
def __init__(self):
self.ivar = 'I am an instance variable'