Hello angular friends,
I'm working on an angular2 app (multiple actually). And I live in the Netherlands.
Currently I'm formatting my currency with the following:
{{someIntegerWithCentsToBeDivided / 100 | currency:'EUR':true:'1.0-2'}}
This displays something like 500 to be Eurosign 5 and 501 to be Eurosign 5.01.
Now we dutchies really like comma's the other way around so does anyone know how to change the . to a ,?
Bonus points if someone knows how to show 5,- optionally when there is no cents. My thoughts now would be to extend the CurrencyPipe
Your problem has probably been solved some time ago, but just for reference for other Dutch developers (like myself):
Create a custom Pipe:
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
name: 'currencyFormat'
export class CurrencyFormat {
transform(value: number,
currencySign: string = '€ ',
decimalLength: number = 2,
chunkDelimiter: string = '.',
decimalDelimiter:string = ',',
chunkLength: number = 3): string {
value /= 100;
let result = '\\d(?=(\\d{' + chunkLength + '})+' + (decimalLength > 0 ? '\\D' : '$') + ')';
let num = value.toFixed(Math.max(0, ~~decimalLength));
return currencySign+(decimalDelimiter ? num.replace('.', decimalDelimiter) : num).replace(new RegExp(result, 'g'), '$&' + chunkDelimiter);
Now you can use:
{{someIntegerWithCentsToBeDivided | currencyFormat}}
The Pipe has already all the Dutch defaults included, but you can easily change them or use them as arguments in the template. For example:
{{1234567 | currencyFormat:'$':2:' ':'.':3}}
will give $12 345.67
as output.